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The Group

Granda y Asociados > The Group

We are a criminal law firm in Madrid, specializing in criminal law, penitentiary and minors. Our company has criminal lawyers who speak several languages ​​so it is easy and comfortable communication with our clients.


"Granda y Asociados" Group

We are a criminal law firm in Madrid, specializing in criminal law, penitentiary and minors. Our company has office in Almería and associated offices in Seville, Malaga, Murcia, Barcelona, ​​Alicante, Granada, Oviedo, Bilbao and European cities, London and Rome. Criminal lawyers who speak several languages ​​making it easy and comfortable communication with our clients.


Every criminal lawyer is dedicated to the defense of certain crimes in which he is specialized because of his preparation and his long professional trajectory. Sometimes meetings of two or three lawyers are necessary depending on the crimes imputed to the client and the relationship between them.

Way of Working


The law firm “Granda & Asociados” gives a budget adjusted to the specific case. Each criminal lawyer has a limited and limited number of cases per year, since overwork will cause a decrease in the time spent on each of them. We want to dedicate you and your business as long as it takes.


Once you contact us, our law firm will contact you. After the first consultation, we give you a budget based on a feasibility study, explaining the legal situation in which you are and informing you if we accept your case, then signing the professional order note.


Once signed the custom note, the address of this law firm hired, study your case in detail, the line of defense is raised, inform you and assigned the lawyer who will defend you.


We guarantee that your case will be directed by a senior criminal lawyer, that is, with more than 15 years of professional experience. During the first meetings you will meet you and the criminal lawyer assigned to the case. It is possible to ask the law firm to change the legal address, the office reserving the right to choose a new criminal lawyer different from the one originally assigned.


If your case is very urgent, you can contact our law firm by calling our mobile phone (0034)609096503, leaving a message or sending a text message. If you prefer, you can do it via e-mail, providing us with your landline and mobile phone and the time we can contact you. You will be called by a criminal lawyer to attend your inquiry.


Regarding the defense of crimes, sometimes because of the urgency, the first contact is established at the police station, providing legal assistance to the detainee. Other times legal assistance to the detainee is practiced at the headquarters of the Madrid Court of Instruction or Central Court of Instruction.

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We accompany you to each judicial statement to which it is cited by the Court of Instruction, Central of Instruction or any other judicial body.


During the procedure, the criminal lawyer assigned to the case and the client, prepare the evidence that will be enforced throughout the procedure, being in permanent contact throughout the investigation of the case with the lawyer.


Finally, the client is prepared for the oral trial. If the client is in prison, the collaboration of the family is necessary, appointing a spokesperson, who will be the one that comes to the consultations that are carried out throughout the procedure.


If at any time in the procedure there is a lack of cooperation on the part of the client or the family, the resignation will be presented.


We will provide you with the mobile phone of the criminal lawyer assigned to you to assume the defense of your case.

Philosophy and Policy
of our company

This law firm gives special importance to the attorney-client relationship. The most important thing is TRUST. First of all the interest of the client, honesty, sincerity and professionalism.


The law firm “Granda & Asociados” has a cadre of professionals such as court attorneys from all judicial parties, notaries, private detectives, sworn translators, medical specialists; Forensics, traumatologists, neurologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists, and any other professional needed to help us resolve your case.

Specialized Legal Services

Defense of crimes and private accusation. We are dedicated to the defense of all types of crimes; Homicide, scam, gender violence, false claim, patrimonial claim to the Administration of Justice for having been in custody without being a perpetrator and subsequent acquittal, misappropriation, drug trafficking, crimes against public health, rape, aggression And sexual abuse, exhibitionism, forgery, prevarication, theft, theft, injuries, crimes of ill-treatment, theft with intimidation, heavy theft, medical negligence, damages, traffic safety offenses, traffic accidents, and faults, among others.


The legal services that are mainly provided in the firm are; Legal Assistance to the Detained in the Commissariat and Courts, Legal Assistance in judicial declarations, we request provisional liberty, legal direction in summaries, abbreviated procedures, judgments of faults, celebration of judgments, elaboration of appeals, cassation, constitutional amparo remedies, other resources.


Penitentiary. We process suspension and substitution of conviction, remission of convictions, prison permits, preparation for penitentiaries, third degree, appeal sanctions, parole request. Prison visits.


Cancellation of criminal and police records.

Criminal Lawyers specialized in crimes of:


Sexual Abuse

We are experts. The first few hours after the crime was reported, are decisive for both the defense and the private accusation. Art. 181 et seq.
Granda y asociados

Crime Against Public Health

Possession of marijuana or hashish or any other narcotic substance, not to exceed a certain amount. They are typified in articles 359 and following of the Penal Code.
granda y asociados abogados penalistas

International Penalty

Defense of Italian and English citizens detained in Spain and Spaniards detained in Italy and the United Kingdom. Processed in our country and serving sentence. Our lawyers speak English and Italian which facilitates communication with our clients and their families.
granda y asociados abogados penalistas

Capital Blanking

Articles 298 et seq. Of the Penal Code. We have legally and criminally advised an accused of CASE POLVERINO.

Delitos de tráfico de drogas, estafa, homicidio, robo, lesiones, delitos contra la salud pública, agresión y sexual, abuso sexual, violación, apropiación indebida. Si está inmerso en cualquiera de estos delitos en España, ya sea como víctima o acusado, nuestro bufete de abogados puede ayudarle.

En estos casos, ofrecemos asistencia tanto en comisarías y juzgados como en declaraciones judiciales, además de apelaciones y cancelación de antecedentes policiales y penales en caso de necesitarlo.


Cada uno de nuestros abogados está especializado en la defensa de ciertos delitos, por lo que tras conocer su caso le asignamos aquel que mayores beneficios pueda aportarle. Si el caso lo requiere, serán un equipo de letrados penalistas los que intervengan en su proceso.


Granda & Asociados está formado por abogados penalistas con más de 25 años de experiencia que trabajan en diversas provincias de España y en ciudades europeas. El idioma no supone un problema para nosotros.


Si está involucrado en cualquier tipo de delito en nuestro país y necesita un abogado penalista en Madrid con el que entenderse y tener una buena comunicación, imprescindible en estos casos, contacte con nosotros y le atenderemos sin compromiso.

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